Hi, you, coming from Insta

Hi, visitor from the void of Instagram. Welcome to FOTOTREFF Berlin. Come in, take your time. Look around and – let’s talk about photography.

Here are some recommendations for you to start with:

  • FOTOTREFF #43, Samstag 8. Februar 2025, 19 Uhr, Sankt Studio, Berlin: Bilder der Natur

    n FOTOTREFF #43 sprechen Yana Wernicke und Saskia Groneberg über ihre fotografischen Arbeiten, die sich mit der Beziehung des Menschen zur Natur befassen. Mit ihren künstlerischen Fotografien eröffnen beide neue Perspektiven auf unser Miteinander mit Tieren, Pflanzen und Landschaften.
    Hier gibt’s mehr Infos: FOTOTREFF #43

  • Podcast out now: FOTOTREFF #41: “Photobook Strategies”

    Re-listen to Claudio Pogo, Magdalena Wysocka (Outer Space Press) and Chantal Seitz talking about their publishing practices – and even about cooffe table books.

  • Another podcast: FOTOTREFF #40 on March 16 2024: War at a Distance

    The 40th edition of FOTOTREFF focused on images of war. First Julia Kochetova, Sebastian Wells and Tobias Laukemper talked about the topic.
    In the second part curator Natasha Christia presented her book exhibition project “War at a Distance” in conversation with Alfonso Moral (ANTI-books).

    Listen to the podcast on your favourite platform. Or right here:

  • Explore FOTOTREFF by Topic

    You might want to explore our content tagged e.g. as:

  • Get to know us: Talk by “Die Motive” with FOTOTREFF Berlin

    We don’t only write – we mostly talk. Alexander Hagmann from the magazine dieMotive invited us over for a chat in his podcast. Lean back, close your eyes and hear some photo babble on festivals, exhibitions, photobooks and what we like (and don’t) about all of these.
    Jump over to the podcast (@dieMotive)

  • 5 Questions 2 – our Insta takeovers (to re-enjoy & in case you missed them on Insta)

    Each Insta takeover we ask (almost) the same (more or less) questions.
    THEY ALL answer differently!
    Browse these ephemeral storys gone eternal:
    All 5Q2

  • “Writing about Photography” – A Survey

    Survey: Writing about photography

    Yes – we sometimes write about photography. And we’ve asked some people who do more often (or more great) than us, for a statement about writing about photography.
    Take a read

  • Our website-editorial – what and how and why

    We relaunched our website – this website – in 2021. You might want to take a look at our
    Relaunch Editorial

  • What we (usually) do?

    Take a look at the past Editions of FOTOTREFF Berlin with photographers like Peter Puklus, Feng Li, Loredana Nemes, Tobias Zielony, Jessica Backhaus, curators Sonia Voss, Matthias Harder and Felix Hoffman and soon (hopefully) Laia Abril and Jörg Colberg.
    All Editions

  • What is FOTOTREFF Berlin?

    A non-profit to promote documentary and artistic photography and the discussion about it. Best you can do: come over to one of our (usually) bimonthly evenings in Berlin. For the time being: read some notes
    About FOTOTREFF Berlin